This is totally plausible as, even today, dedicated GPS satellites can be relatively tiny.įYI RE: How GPS works, highlight the spoiler block below if you are interested: I think it would be fabulous if the developers worked with a small team to put the game into Google maps and for the Satisfactory app to use that dataset in-game - once you develop three new techs - a 'GPS' tracker module for the FICST OS (tm) Map, (10? 20? 60?) GPS satellites to launch, and satellite launcher railgun. modified a side road in the Gold Coast biome.removed a tiny side road from the Northern Forest biome.added a few new main and side roads to the biomes Grass Fields, Crater Lakes and Titan Forest.changed the ingame map (background) to match the latest Early Access version (#101665), landscape has changed a lot (thanks Anthor).
#Satisfactory roadmap update#
You may have to chainsaw some nature down to use the road.ĮDIT - EA update Version 1.09 (July 3rd):

There was also a toxic part, which doesn't exist anymore (Experimental update - #101256). added a new side road through the whole Swamp biome (in the west).You still may see the green/yellow toxic fog, but there is no gas anymore (bug or intended?) One big section isn't toxic anymore, which is nice for trains. detoxed some roads in the southwest of Swamp biome to match the train update of Experimental (#101256).added some side roads to the Western Dune Forest and south of the SwampĮDIT - Detox update Version 1.08 (June 26th):.added a tunnel and the big Savanna biome cave.added a "blow up" sign to the south of Dune Desert to match the Experimental update (#100979).changed the roads in Red Bamboo Fields biome to match the Experimental update (#100979), too much nature, no space for roads.cosmetics: added shapes of main tunnels (thx to Anthornet/Grams Bruh).cosmetics: narrowed side roads to distinguish from main roads.Found a side route, you can travel with your vehicle without getting toxicated (must use chainsaw first, to clear the side route) Many gas rocks surrounding the whole Swamp, making the main road through the Swamp toxic. minor changes in biomes Desert Canyon and Red Bamboo Fields to match the Experimental update (#100692).added a small road section in the Titan Forest biome.major improvements in the Savanna biome (northwest edge of the map - last biome I had to check in detail)ĮDIT - (surely final) Version 1.05 (June 3rd):.minor improvements in the Rocky Desert biome.improved the routing of the tunnel beneath Red Bamboo Fields (main tunnel in the middle of the map)ĮDIT - (hopefully final) Version 1.04 (June 1st):.final improvements in the biomes Desert Canyon, Northern Forest and Crater Lakes.minor improvements in the biomes Savanna, Desert Canyon, Titan Forest and Southern Forest.some minor changes in the biomes Western Dune Forest, Crater and Swamp.some areas do not have wider "main roads" (hence not drawn here) but can be traveled offroad with the explorer (Red Jungle, Titan Forest and parts of Lake Forest).The drawn road is the best way to get straight through the Swamp. in the Swamp, there is actually no "main road".the Dune Desert (north east) has no roads since this is a wide open area and can be traveled anyway.Just run over them or cut them with the chainsaw once. on some roads - even if they are wide "main roads" - could be some trees in the middle of the road occasionally.This map can also be used for the upcoming trains to find a good route for your railtracks (if you don't want to pave the whole world with foundations and rather let the tracks naturally float within the landscape).

What you see here are the "main" naturally available "roads", which can be used at least with the tractor and the explorer with no problems at all (using some of this roads with the truck could be tricky though). Maybe it helps some of you to always find your way back home. This is a road map of the Satisfactory world.